We Need to Ban Spoons!

Of magic and of science

So I have had this out with some ohso liberal friends. Outraged that e-cigarettes look like .. cigarettes, these folks wanted vaping banned. After all, if the tube in a mouth emitted smoke and glowed at its tip …………. it must be bad!
Image result for girl vaping"I tried to explain, a vape device (like the one I own) is pretty much like a spoon. Spoons are bad for you if you put bad stuff in them. Otherwise a spoon lets you eat watery stuff like soup and ice cream and a vape lets you inhale .. steam.
Then came the fear mongering … vape cause lung disease. Except it was not the steam nor the marijuana nor even some nicotine … the bad stuff was a vitamin! You see vitamin E has long been known to be very toxic. I even did an autopsy back in the sixties of some vitamin E addict who really screwed himself up!
So, some fools vaped vitamin E! And got to pay with their lives.
Meanwhile the anti cigarette community can not stop celebrate their well derved victories over the really dangerous carciniogens inhaled in tobacco smoke.,  After all, vaping device look like ciogarettes!
They want to ban spoons because spoons can be used to smoke tobacco and tobacco causes cancer!  Worse spoons can be used to injest sweet stuff like licorice and strawberry and passion fruit .. leading kids to really dangerous stuff.
This sort of magic is worthy of a Hollywood version of a jungle witch doctor!  Look, I cmapaigned againsg tobacco because burning the stuff creates CARCINOGENS.  Same, BTW, ismoking weed also creates carconogens.  Pot in a spoon or vaping device is no mare dangerous than it is in a brownie.

Still now, the magic folks want to ban spoons!

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