Dead Paul Owns a REAL Yellow Submarine!

Remember the Beatles’ immortal song, the Yellow Submarine?

Seattle’s favorite dead man, an incorporal version of real-life Paul, owns his own yellow submarine.  The dearly departed Paul Allen, now dead for over a year, lives on as a Trust.  The Trust is oh so cool.  Money and property in the Trust may never be taxed and there is not even a need for it to give anything away.  AIN’T IMMORTALITY GREAT!

One of Paul’s many toys is, yep, a Yellow Submarine. You can probably charter it! Bring a guitar too!  I would not be surprised if Dead Paul, who also collected rock music memorabilia, owned a Beatles guitar.

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  1. Roger Rabbit #

    I dunno if I’d wanna be in that thing if war broke out. I’d prefer something better camouflaged.