SUNDAY REVELATION: When a good Pope is wrong

Pope Francis Compares Abortion to Hiring A 'Hitman'

Source: (Alberto Pizzoli/Pool Photo via AP)

I admire this Pople but this time he is wrong.

Last Spring, Pope Francis unequivocally upheld Catholic Church teaching telling a pro-life conference at the Vatican that abortion “is never okay” even in cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

“Is it licit to throw away a life to resolve a problem?” he asked according to the Associated Press. “Is it licit to hire a hitman to resolve a problem?”

With all due respect, I suggest to Pope Francis that he needs to reconcile his powers as a Image result for homunculusPope with the history of misdeeds by hir predecessors and with the science, we have learned over the last 2000 years.  Nothing in the Torah and nothing in the revelations his church used to create their bible says that a fertilized egg is a baby.  Nor does anything Jesus is said to have said justify the idea that the Church can choose a baby’s life over the life of a mother.

Science, according to Francis itself, is supposed to trump the Church when it comes to interpretation fo the bible.  Leaving aside the claim that Jesus was and is God, until the 1700s humans did not even know that sperm existed.  Fanciful ideas were the norm, including spirits from the man somehow entering the woman to create a baby. Ideas of what a fetus was centered around the existence of tiny replicas of humans, the homunculus, that somehow came into being and grew to be a person.

Maybe Pope Francis needs to ask Jesus what would he do if Mary Magdalen were pregnant and Jesus knew the baby was not his but a conception of the devil?


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