Hannity used HUD loans to profiteer on foreclosed homes

Fox host Sean Hannity, revealed last week as Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s secret client, owns a vast property empire of foreclosed homes bought with HUD loans, the Guardian reported Sunday.

After that revelation, Hannity asserted Cohen only gave him advice about real estate matters. Apparently those matters were pretty extensive.

Last year, Hannity praised Ben Carson on his show for doing “a good job” as HUD Secretary without disclosing that HUD had just approved millions more of HUD loans to shell companies owned by Hannity.

The Guardian said there are “more than 20” such companies, more or less named after Hannity’s children, which bought at least 877 foreclosed residential properties for around $90 million. Hannity has borrowed at least $17.9 million from HUD through these companies.

Photo: HUD Secretary Ben Carson



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