Follow Up: Deer Crossing Lady Now Famous!

Her name is “Donna the Deer Lady,” and she works as a medical receptionist in Fargo, ND. With the original YouTube of her now-famous phone call to a local radio station garnering over 35 million views, she’s now world famous. (No word yet, though, on whether she’s in the running for Time‘s Person of the Year.) She’s had deer crossing signs thrown on her front lawn and stuffed in her mailbox. (One assumes people are just trying to be helpful.) She admits her interpretation of these signs was, in her own words, “stupid,” and has graciously offered to “just stand up and own it.” You can listen to her mea culpa here:

Meanwhile, if you’re eager to climb aboard the latest hot fashion trend, you can shop one of the many proliferating “Donna the Deer Lady” clothing lines here. And, of course, this story wouldn’t be complete without photos. Herewith a delightful montage:


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