NASA to visit asteroid worth $10,000 quadrillion!


NASA scientists is directing a robotic mission to  the Psyche planetoid.

Measuring 240km (149 miles) in diameter, the ore in Psyche is estimated to be worth $10,000 quadrillion,  Psyche is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and is made almost entirely of iron and nickel.

At current market prices, such an asteroid, a truly unique object in our solar system, is estimated to be worth $10,000 quadrillion ($10,000,000,000,000,000,000). That is, if you could successfully tow it into orbit and then mine it (and find someone to buy all of it, of course). For scale, the entire global economy is worth over $74 trillion.


One scientist speculated that the asteroid could be the solidified core of a planet.
“It’s such a strange object,  Even if we could grab a big metal piece and drag it back here … what would you do? Could you kind of sit on it and hide it and control the global resource – kind of like diamonds are controlled corporately – and protect your market? What if you decided you were going to bring it back and you were just going to solve the metal resource problems of humankind for all time? This is wild speculation, obviously.”

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