TRUMPISM of the day: Hosting Merkel

So, sitting next to Merkel was Trump’s expert on trade … his fashion model cum handbag designer daughter.

The POTUS told Merkel, “The negotiators for Germany have done a far better job than the negotiators for the United States. But hopefully we can even it out.”

Trouble is the US has ZERO trade agreements with Germany. As of 1993, Germany became part of the EU common market – and negotiates with this org.   Worse for the Donald,  the US currently has no trade agreement with the EU. The World Trade Organization (WTO) now negotiates EU & US trade on a case-by-case basis.

Meanwhile,  Volkswagen has a factory in the US: 2000 American employees, built in 2011 (thank you Obama). Mercedes has one too, negotiated and built in 1997 (thank you Bill Clinton).
Fiat owns Chrysler and has FIVE factories in the US.

Ivanka is a spiffy dresser but this was not a social meet up.  The Trumps were outclassed by frumpy Angela Merkel.  Trump with his constant threats and demeaning comments may yet succeed in doing something which until recently seemed impossible: strengthening the European Union.


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