Funny that Trump spent so much time on MLK day comparing himself to Dr. King but never mentioned this.

Trump doll hangs in effigy from a tree by a noose at an Indiana home 

A U.S. Army veteran in Fort Wayne, Indiana, hung a life-sized effigy of President Donald Trump from a noose in the man’s front-yard tree shortly after Trump’s inauguration, and cops say they can do nothing about the display that’s raising concern among his neighbors.

Funny that Trump spent so much time on MLK day comparing himself to Dr. King but never mentioned this.

The Trump doll is holding the flag of the former Soviet Union.

The home also displays several banners, including one that reads, “Trump is a disgrace to America & makes me ashamed I ever served,” according to a report by Fort Wayne’s WANE-TV 15.

This is the second report of someone lynching a Trump doll.  Just last week, a political science teacher in Crestview Hills, Kentucky, hung an effigy of Trump from his home alongside several upside-down U.S. flags. A large banner read: “‘Just Grab ‘Em By The Pu–y’ Your President.”

Jared Paden, a neighbor of the Fort Wayne  resident who put up the doll, called it “shocking.”

“Honestly, I don’t necessarily like it. I’m not really excited about it being in my neighborhood,” Paden said.

 “I don’t think it’s respectful to Trump and a lot of people that voted for him to be president,” he added. “I don’t think they should do it, but I think it’s their right. They have the right of free speech. So, I’m not going to say they have to take it down, but I wish they would.”

Police spokesperson Officer Michael Joyner said the homeowner is within his right to free speech and there is nothing that police can do about it.

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