Trump Niminates Conspiracy Theory Queen to National Security Council

trump-crowleyDonald Trump affliction with FARS (Fox Alternative Reality Syndrome) is having real consequences.

Now  he has  chosen Fox News contributor Monica Crowley as the National Security Council’s senior director of strategic communications.  Ms. Crowley repeatedly spread this phony information through various channels, including op-eds and guest appearances on radio shows and Fox News. 

Some of her best:

  • Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin had ties to “Islamic supremacists” ― a claim proven false by The Washington Post, Snopes and other sources.  According to Crowley,  Abedin’s parents were  “essentially tools of the Saudi regime” on Fox News’ “Hannity” and that Abedin’s family had “alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood” in a Washington Times piece.
  •  Obama is not an American.  As part of the birther movement, Crowley cl;aiomed President Barack Obama was not a citizen.
  • Obama is not ” not black African, he is Arab African,” she said on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “And yet, this guy is campaigning as black and painting anybody who dares to criticize him as a racist. I mean that is — it is the biggest con I think I’ve ever seen.”


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