BUCHENWALD 140 : Another Jewish Doctor Helped Liberate the Camp.

Dr. Robert Jacques Lederer71 years ago, Robert Jacques Lederer, a Jewish-French partisan doctor accompanied the US forces entering Buchenwald,  He took down a Nazi flag there and kept it until his death 15 years ago.  Now Dr. Lederer’s son has donated that flag to the State of Israel, along with other documents from the liberation; the state has transferred them to Yad Vashem. Robert Jacques Lederer

Lederer joined the American forces after liberation intending to check the medical conditions of the prisoners. At their arrival at Buchenwald, he found the flag and kept it in his house for his entire life.

The son, who asked to remain anonymous, only asked that his father’s name would be remembered,”

Sadly, my father may have known Dr. Lederer but we may never find out because of the intent of my brother and sister to destroy our father’s heritage from the liberation. 


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