Trumpism and Brexit

SMS thumb CezanneI think everyone is missing the underlying issue in Brexit … we may be in the end stages of democracy itself. Trotsky and Lenin predicted this ..that democracy depended on the education of the masses, media and education.
We see this now in the corporate state ..China Inc. The Xi government has placed huge resources into ts propaganda industry, infiltrating, monitoring and censoring every thing from Xinhua to blogs.
“The Jeffersonian democracies do not do that!”  That protestation is true BUT we have a more subtle effect that was predicted by Lenin and used to justify Communist control of the media. Lenin also said that corporate media, because it is driven by profit and capital , would optimize itself to eliminate competition for ideas. … what we blithely refer to as market share.
Trump and Brexit are the result of a world where the media is reduced to The Apprentice and Fox News.

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