David Brewster Socialist City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant appears to be changing her tactics to a more incrementalist approach, tamping down the sweeping rhetoric and purist demands. She’s even accepted an invitation to talk to the Chamber of Commerce. Josh Feit has been tracking these changes.[...]
Archive for June, 2016
BREAKING NEWS: Rio Broke, Olympics Games to Go On
OLYMPICS NIGHTMARE: RIO DECLARES FINANCIAL DISASTER BEFORE GAMES Western Wildfires Triple in Size; Evacuations In 3 States... INFERNO: SOUTHWEST SCORCHER... ALL-TIME HIGHS? 'RARE, DANGEROUS'... LIVE: TEMPS MAP... USA powering up first new nuclear reactor in decades... Islamists Attack Radiohead F[...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Extinction of humans.
A study of the maternal genes of skeletal and mummified remains of 92 South Americans dating from 8,600 to 500 years ago shows that all those lineages were wiped out. No living person descended from any the individuals tested is known to be living today. In a time where people loosely use the wo[...]
Sunday Revelations: Himmler Disses Atheists
Atheism, Himmler wrote, “is the only world- or religious view that is not tolerated within the SS.” He further wrote, “I have not tolerated an atheist in the ranks of the SS. Every member has a deep faith in God, in what my ancestors called in their language Waralda, the ancient one, the one[...]
Republican National Conventions .. an event of cinematic importance
$48 one way, sleeper ..LA to SF!
SleepBus runs overnight between SF and LA for $48 New bus service between Los Angeles and California offers a sleeping berth, on-board wifi, and more to present a compelling alternative to flying. To get the word out, the company is offering one-way trips for $48. That’s expected to go up to $[...]
Fashion Statement
Enough said.[...]