BREAKING NEWS: Is Ted Cruz the Evil One?

“Lucifer in the flesh,” Boehner told an audience at Stanford on Wednesday night, according to the Stanford Daily. “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”

Of course this does lead to an obvious question, is Ted Cruz the Evil One?

Cruz GOP 2016 2 improved ver 3.HuffPost called up Lucien Greaves, a spokesperson for the Satanic Temple. Greaves defended Satan:

“It is past time we stop blaming the activities of the upholders of the Christian faith on a Satanic philosophy.  Boehner is trying to convey that if it is bad and he disagrees with it, it is of Satan and Lucifer, and if it is of good, it is of Christ. That is what is problematic with the Christian ideology.”


“I think (Cruz) is a real disaster. I think he is possibly one of the worst. I think we have been on a race to the bottom for a long time now, and you keep thinking it can’t get worse and people would wise up after a clown like [Sarah] Palin or George Bush. But then you see people lining up around Ted Cruz.”

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