Where is Bernie?

How long will it take for Bernie to attack Chuck Grassley for stonewalling Garland’s nomination.

Bernie IMAGINE icoYeah, I get it. Bernie is running for President. Running  means  diminishing and underminding Hillary.

Running also means adopting simplistic stands on complex issues like TPP, fracking, GMO and Black Lives Matter. As a candidate Bernie also avoids such issues as Palestine and China and Russia. Are these things too hard for the public to understand?

One only hopes that if elected Bernie will do the usual and back off the doctrinaire stuff and develop real policies for real issues. 

In the meantime, why isn’t Senator Sanders campaigning agaisnt the Repugnants?  By not  doing that in his campaign, Sanders diminishes himself.  He is making  the general election much more difficult not only for whoever wins the nomination but for Democrats running on the Blue ticket.

Bernie needs to support the Democratic program.  He should be talking about restoring voting rights, completing health insurance for all, a tax increase for the wealthy, and getting the Senate to approve President Obama’s judicial nominees.


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