Bernie does not need stars, he needs substance

If you think stars are important, vote for Trump …. he is endorsed by Ben Carson.


Buzz Aldrin, after following Neil Armstrong down the ladder, pulled out a Bible, a silver chalice, and sacramental bread and wine. There on the moon, his first act was to celebrate communion. Later, looking down on the earth from 250,000 miles away,Frank  Borman radioed back Genesis: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” He later explained, “I had an enormous feeling that there had to be a power greater than any of us-that there was a God, that there was indeed a beginning.” The late James Irwin, who walked on the moon in 1971, later became an evangelical minister.

Mark Edward Minie,  FACEBOOK

Now what Bernie needs is a prominent tech billionaire to endorse him…and some prominent scientists and doctors and engineers and maybe even an astronaut to do a positive ad for him.  Where does Musk stand on all this? For that matter, Nick Hanauer?..

SMS thumb CezanneWhat Bernie needs is not endorsements by dilettantes like Hanuaer. He needs to show that experts .. foreign policy, military, science and yes business are willing to team up to put rigor behind his policies.

Sadly, Bernie lacks support from  the experts he would need to govern.  Most of his ideas, as idealistic as they are, lack substance.  As two examples, Krugman has endorsed Clinton and Warren has been quite clear that she will not endorse Bernie.

The absence of stars has a deeper significance.

Mark Edward Minie “Stars” have no value with those under 40 y/o…who cares what they think…they are the ultimate members of THE ESTABLISHMENT, which has shown itself to be totally disconnected from reality…a situation many of the “Stars” helped to create…


This makes me wonder how Seattle's $15 minimum wage may have affected the take home of restaurant wprkers/ You sound a lot like a Trumpster.

You, not I, said Bernie needs a star .. someone like Hanauer of an Astronaut.  What has Hanauer done?  He grew up wealthy, used inherited funds to buy stock in Amazon.  Then he set up on an in house PR clique to promote ideas you and I like.  That is fine, but why would I believe that Nick has the expertise to … err ahhh, do anything?

As for an astronaut, I assume Bernie would vet the starman to eliminate religious nuts?

You might be correct that Bernie’s campaign would be helped by some star power, but what hurts Bernie for me is the lack of people who have expertise, to actually make his ideas work.



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