I see a huge challenge finding a female to play Trumpette

CaptureSandeep Kaushik on FACEBOOK says that Trump v. Clinton is going to be “spectacularly, historically negative and ugly” because we have “two candidates who are  unpopular and not trusted by most voters.”
Sandeep speaks as a political operative in a year where we are likely to see much more unconventional campaigning.   My scenario is different:
I do not think HRC is unpopular or untrusted by HER partisans.  What is untrusted is FOX News.  FOX news  cadres believe in a whole movie festival of fantasies about Mrs. Clinton  from HRC having murdered her law partner to HRC having pimped for Bill.   She will not be marketed to that audience because they can nor be reached. Rather her campaign will pick up the banner of Bernie, FDR, Obama and women’s liberation.  She will build on gender, race and class.  Her image on Fox will motivate the  overwhelming mass of women, Hispanics and blacks angered  by the deep denigration (racist pun intended) of the GOP meme.
The Fox audience aside, Hillary is  quite respected by the “rest of us” including the middle class working white ladies, the African American and Hispanic communities, and the business community.  The other pivotal group, the millenials are represented by the Zonians in Seattle.  There is no way these folks are going to support the coifed Donald.   Campaign Hillary will appeal to them both because of her roles as the first female candidate for President.  She will also benefit hugely from support by the Obamas.. Michelle is no slouch.  Watch for Julian Castro as VEEP.  He is a far more credible image of what America offers than the by then tainted Rubio.

GOP voters … Good luck winning with only half of the party voting for you.

In contrast to Hillary’s choice of VEEP, I see a huge challenge finding a female to play Trumpette.  Who would run as Donald’s VP?  She needs to be a woman, a RESPECTABLE politician,a Hispanic, and willing to run with Donald.  I do nt think there is anyone who fulfills all these criteria.   The two women closest to this ideal Susana Martinez and Nikki Haley (a brownish lady though not Hispanic), have both already spoken out against the Trumpeter and both have larger ambitions that would suffer by an unsuccessful sidekick campaign.

The reality of Trump vs. Clinton is reflected by the  down-ballot disaster expected of her by the GOP in our own state.  If our own democratic party would tool up to take advantages of this opportunity!   Imagine Darcy Burner running for state representative on an HRC ticket vs a Republican running as a Tumpeter!

Finally, back at the Bernie meme, she and he agree on almost all policies.  These are big issues.  Taxing excess wealth, free education, fixing the Supreme Court,  global warming and Black lives matter are not issues Trump can sell.  READ MORE ABOUT THE ONGOING ELECTION: 

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