When Christians Evangelize Refugees

KnuteKnut Robert Knutsen I know that we have a problem in Norway with Christian churches taking an interest in Muslims who have been rejected for asylum but are undergoing the (tedious and often time consuming) appeals process.

While they may not be persecuted in their country when they come here, if they convert to Christianity, as apostates they


CLICK to hear Jeb Bush saying that the uS should accept Christian Syrian refugees and that is is easy to tell who is a Chritian

are at greater risk of persecution if they are returned.

The question being, are these conversions real or opportunist, and should Christians proselytize to people who face deportation into a country where conversion puts them at risk?

Also, apparently some who have been returned, have upon inquiry from local authorities declared their conversions to Christianity false and merely a means to escape deportation. But is THAT a lie by a Christian seeking to escape persecution from Muslims or a truth by a Muslim pretending to convert to escape deportation.

Also, secularists find the idea revolting that Christian Norwegians try to get converts by implicitly promising that if people convert they stand a better chance of asylum.

That always seems to be a problem with Christian Charity (in our experience) it is often less about actually helping than it is about securing converts.

Also, a lot of anti-Muslim racism dredges up conversion to Christianity as a “solution” to the Muslim problem.

Of course, since roughly half the population (while technically making up the majority of the Lutheran church that until a few years ago was the state church) are atheist or agnostic and even most Christians aren’t to keen on the kind of Christianity that proselytizes, this is not a “solution” that inspires confidence.

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