Was Ted Cruz Sent by God?

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Ted Cruz and the Donald are fighint it our for the evangelical conservative GOP voting bloc Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal have already dropped out of the race.  Sarah Palin, Jerry the Junior Falwell and America’s favorite sheriff have endorsed the Donald.  Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee will poof after Iowa or New Hampshire.

Ted Cruz is bringing Cruzader’s message.  President Obama is destroying America and the Donald is the anti Christ.

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody on Monday, Ted Cruz said “the president in the White House has h a messiah complex.”

“I fear for America,” he said. “If we keep on this path there comes a point of no return and my prayer is that this awakening continues, that the body of Christ rise up to pull us back from the abyss.” (Source)

Meanwhile the GOP elders fear that Trump or Cruz as the nominee would hurt other candidates down the ballot. Unfortunately for them, Marco Rubio has failed to capture voter’s attention and Jeb Bush has basically dumped over $30 million dollars into a political dumpster fire – with nothing to show for it.


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