Anthony: I am Lame

I’m lame because I wanted the mother of my two youngest children
to come home at night, go to school, and love her kids. I am lame because I dont go out, and cant afford the best restaurants. Im lame for quitting hoop, and wanting to be with my kids everyday. Im lame for working in a kitchen for three years, and working as a secretary. Naw, it gotta be because, I decided, my kids safety and my own dignity, mean more to me than 16 an hour. I am lame because I actually think me being back in school is the best thing for me and my family. As I keep connecting with people, and accomplishing goals, im realizing that sometimes doing the right thing, aint always right. Im lame because I am trying to be a kind and sensitive man, that expresses himself with his emotions, and unafraid of how people will view me. Naw im lame for allowing that shit to stress me out to the point that I lossed focus of who I am, and who I want to be. Thankful to be free, and very upset that I let the weak minded, bring me down to that level. Never again.

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