Israeli Irridentism

LevinTourism Minister Yariv Levin, addressed  a peace conference held by Israeli daily Ha’aretz: 
“You have failed,.  You are refusing to accept reality…you are afraid of the real problems,” he said, in comments directed at the peace camp. Levin spoke against the two-state solution, suggesting that Israel has no partner for peace, as the crowd of approximately 500 people booed him. Israeli Turkey
“Let’s look at the myth, territory for peace? Those who truly believe in peace, won’t agree to this.  A solution for the territorial conflict must be peace for peace as a mutual basis for any agreement, anything else is a lie,”
“Another myth, occupation, a nation can’t be an occupier on its own land, the Land of Israel is the land of the people of Israel,” he said defiantly to more boos.

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