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  1. Paul Roberts #

    Interesting stuff — wondering what material lessons, if any, the Bernie campaign can draw from the Sawant re-election.

  2. theaveeditor #

    Are you serious??? She is a Trotskyite, devoted to overthrow of democracy by promotion of classism and racism. He is a Democrat, Her activities are parallel to the Tea Party, his are profoundly small d and large D Democratic.

  3. Paul Roberts #

    So, NOTHING to be gleaned from voting patterns in Sawant’s district, or the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of her campaign?

  4. Paul Roberts #

    so, nothing to be gleaned from voting patterns or the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of Sawant’s messaging?

  5. theaveeditor #

    I would like to see the data, not sure how to get it. But based on the turnout, it is likely that her organized artisans dominated the vote.

  6. Roger Rabbit #

    People want change, alright, but we don’t all want the same kind of change. Would you vote for someone who’ll push the button so the Rapture gets here quicker? That’s what some of your fellow citizens appear to want.