Trump defies musicians’ cease-and-desist letter


Republican candidates have a long and sorry history of “borrowing” popular songs and using them as campaign theme music without seeking permission from the artists or paying royalties. In civilized societies where artistic works enjoy legal protection under intellectual property laws, this is considered stealing (although lawyers prefer to use a more genteel label — “copyright infringement”).

This guy will grab your cookies if you don’t watch him  GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is following in this tradition. He received a cease-and-desist letter from Aerosmith after misappropriating their song “Dream On.” Trump apparently has ignored the letter, because he’s still using the song. He claims the issue has been resolved. That remains to be seen. Read the story here. The main point here is, would you trust a shoplifter to run our government? Because that’s what someone who filches copyrighted music is — a shoplifter.


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