The truth is that they both won.

Chad Lupkes  FACEBOOK

The pundits might be claiming that Hillary “won the debate”, even though most online polls have her at a severe disadvantage because of the immense strength of Bernie’s social media army. That’s why he is winning the polls.

The truth is that they both won. They had an opportunity to express their beliefs, their plans, and they defended themselves and each other from stupid non-issues that are nothing but distractions to the things that matter. They even defended each other a few times, proving what Bernie has ALWAYS said, which is that we must stand together. Everyone on that stage stood together on most of the issues. The details matter in a primary, but anyone on that stage would be better than anyone on the “other” stage.

I am starting to think now that the reason Bernie Sanders is running is to get Hillary Clinton elected all along…. think about it; he entices some disgruntled lefties into the process, knowing he will lose but channeling the anger on the left to get them into the process; then when he does lose, will gracefully endorse Clinton and thus keeping a good chunk of those disgruntled lefties in the mix ready for the general election face off. I say this because I’ve noticed he has not publicly criticized Hillary or the Democrats in any way…he used his time last night to dismiss the whole email thing, and didn’t really have anything much to differentiate himself from Hillary..

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