Rand Paul is running out of money

ap_617053414931_wide-62ba6da3dcd5837e25a64d4ac61274d45bd2210c-s800-c85Mother Jones reports that Rand Paul’s presidential campaign is spending money twice as fast as it’s coming in, and has enough cash to keep going for 3 more months. That won’t get him to the first primary. He isn’t doing so good in polls, either, and NPR says he could get kicked off the main stage of the next debate. Read the story here and here.

Personally, I think Rand Paul’s presidential aspirations were always a pipe dream. This isn’t a libertarian country. The GOP isn’t a libertarian party. He and his father called themselves Republicans to be electable to Congress, but in fact they represent only a tiny splinter faction of voters in American politics — conservative, isolationist, and out of sync with the voters of both major parties. They’re leaders of a political cult, and the notion that either of them could rise to national leadership was ridiculous from the beginning.

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