6a00d8341c630a53ef0120a715e56f970b-300wiCarly Fiorina has zero chance of being president. As CEO of Hewlett Packard, she was a disaster, and ended up being fired; in her only previous run for public office, against Sen. Barbara Boxer in 2010, she lost by more than 1 million votes; as a political operative, she was so inept that McCain kicked her out of his 2008 campaign; and, according to the Los Angeles Times, she hasn’t even bothered to vote for most of her life.

“Now she may need to answer for another blunder,” Mother Jones says. “For more than four years, she was a deadbeat and didn’t pay the bills she owed for her Senate campaign. She only settled these outstanding debts just before she jumped into the 2016 race.”

If you don’t even pay the wages of people who worked hard to elect you, well, you’re probably not going to have a lot of friends.

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