Self-indulgent narcissistic American tourists caught defacing Rome’s Colosseum

The Colosseum isn’t all that great of a monument to human achievement. It was built with the labor of Jewish slaves, paid for with plunder looted from Jerusalem, and used as a temple of human sacrifice. It really ought to be torn down, like a dilapidated brothel that has outlasted its usefulness. (That’s what its principal builder, Emperor Vespasian, did to Nero’s palace formerly occupying the site, so why not knock his building down, too?) But, it is what it is, and it’s there. And now it sports another set of initials.

“Two American women have reportedly been arrested for carving their initials into a wall with a coin inside Rome’s Colosseum. Daily Italian newspaper La Stampa says the women, aged 21 and 25, were spotted carrying out the act by fellow tourists, who then told security. … The women, both from California, reportedly snapped a selfie of themselves with their initials before they were arrested.”

Yeah, well, what can you say? Someday, unsuspecting men will marry these airheads, with no idea of what they’re getting themselves into. That is, if these clueless bimbos ever get out of Italian jail. Amanda Knox could tell them a thing or two about that.

roman-colosseumPhoto: With all this stonework, the Colosseum won’t run out of space for tourists to carve their initials for several more centuries, so what’s the big deal? 

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