1 Cop, 2 Years, 2 Bodies

If the same cop kills two unarmed citizens in two years, maybe something is wrong with the cop?

Billings, Montana, police officer Grant Morrison killed James Shaw on January 7, 2013, and killed Richard Ramirez on April 14, 2014. Both incidents occurred during routine traffic stops. Neither victim was armed. Dashcam videos show an excitable Morrison yelling “get on the f***king ground!” at the subjects, then shooting them multiple times. Morrison was exonerated of both killings. He’s still a cop. But you’ve gotta wonder whether someone of his temperament is cut out for street duty.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’ll visit Billings anytime soon, because I don’t want to get shot by a nervous and jumpy cop with an itchy trigger finger for rolling through a stop sign or doing 28 mph in a 25 mph zone.


Videos: The killings of Richard Ramirez (top) and James Shaw (bottom)

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