Ferguson juror sues prosecutor

A Ferguson grand juror has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the prosecutor alleging he manipulated the proceedings and misrepresented the grand jury’s conclusions. The juror is asking a federal judge to enjoin a Missouri statute prohibiting the grand jurors from talking about the case, arguing the law interferes with his free speech rights. His lawsuit alleges, “the current information available about the grand jurors’ views is not entirely accurate — especially the implication that all grand jurors believed that there was no support for any charges.” The juror is represented by the ACLU.

Comment:  It doesn’t matter whether this lawsuit succeeds. What’s important here is that simply filing it lets the cat out of the bag. Thanks to this juror, the world now knows at least some of the grand jurors wanted to indict Officer Wilson, and feel the prosecutor sabotaged the proceedings. He can’t say come right out and say so without getting in trouble under the Missouri law, but by reframing his contentions as allegations in a lawsuit, he effectively gets immunity from that law, because a person can’t be prosecuted for filing a lawsuit.Roger-Rabbit-icon1

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