Is Obama Black?

 Most Americans don’t describe him that way.

The issue is NOT skin color, it is ethnicity.

A Pew poll says the majority of Americans describe the president as “mixed race.”  Of course this is correct, maybe even more so than most Americans realize.  As a Kenyan, Obama’s father come from a very mixed race: culture with roots in the Arab/Semitic peoples as well as different groups of African peoples.

The bigger issue, if we are talking about him is whether he is seen as culturally African American?  I suspect most Americans … including African Americans … see Mr. Obama as what I would call an affected African-American, a black by choice.

This means that I am not at all sure that the country is yet ready for a culturally black president.  A good way of testing this for yourself is to think of any of the prominent black athletes.  Is the idea of Michael Jackson … the black jock … or Oprah … the black TV star … more unlikely than Arnold Schwartznegger  .. the Austrio-American, Rick Perry .. cowboy ,  or Ronald Reagan?  Hell,  Mitt Romney was as white ethnic as a Mormon can be.

Is it relevant to this question that Mr. Obama IS a descendent of slaves on his mother’s side?  For that matter, are Africans “black?”

Could an Indian American be President?  Ask Bobby Jindal.  What would happen if he reverted to being a Hindu?



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