A Progresive Supports Putin

The Radical Left is as Real as the Radical Right,
Carol Davidek Waller writes to a Yahoo progressive listserv
What is obvious is that the US and it’s EU clients and NOT Russia are the aggressors.  While the Russian Federation has removed it’s heavy armaments from its borders, the US/NATO have encircled Russia with missiles and military bases in direct violation of a prior agreement made at the highest levels.  “Kerry’s Propaganda War” Ray McGovern
The US/EU sponsored putsch and the violent overthrow of the elected government of Ukraine is a violation of international law and acceptable human behavior. Russia has its navy stationed in the Crimea (by mutual agreement; unlike Afghanistan and Iraq) and most of the disputed territory was Russia for most its history. The US involvement in Ukraine is a foreign policy blunder of cosmic proportions and bears the stamp of neocon magical thought. That whatever grand plan their fevered imaginations conjure will be greeted by cheers from a waiting world. (not)
Even IF democracy were the real aim (which it is not or most  of the new NATO countries would have entirely different governments), it’s not the job of US policy elites to determine where or when and replace elected governments with US puppets.
What is obvious is that Putin is the only grownup in the room.
“Putin As A Real World Leader”  Real leaders move in the direction people want to go. It’s evident from his latest Q&A that he is, not only for his countrymen but for all of us.  It’s well worth your time to listen to this tour de force and ask yourself if there is or ever has been any American politician this knowledgeable, this concerned about the welfare of their people and who has the depth of understanding of history and geopolitical events.  
“Why the Neocons Want to Destabilize Russia” by Robert Parry.  A breakdown of the US’s domestic propaganda war by the reporter that broke Iran Contra. 
Obama unfortunately did not clean house after Bush and kept on way too many PNAC doctrine Neocons and almost all their military go-fers. They are the ones pulling his strings and driving him toward failure….again.
Carol DW

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