Mitt Romney Scolds Planned Parenthood After The Conviction of Dr. Gosnel

DSC04481President Mitt W Romney,  waded into the debate on April 26, became the first sitting president to call on Planned Parenthood to respect life. Planned Parenthood is the leading provider of abortions in the U.S.

“Planned Parenthood shares in the guilt of You should react with horror not only to the acts of Dr. Gosnel. but to your own actions that permitted to this to happen.  There are always going to be bad actors in any profession, but the easier it is to get an abortion the the wider the door for bad actors.

Kermit Gosnell treated unwanted new born babies worse than unwanted dogs at a city pound. The prosecutor alleged at abortion doc murder trial that Kermit, not at all like the frog character, cut the spines and the skulls of living babies to assure they could not survive. Read more:

“My predecessor  vowed to help fight against state abortion restrictions he claimed were designed to “turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century. Now we see what happens when our government turns this most sacred of rights, the right to life, over to the cold hands of those whoi want to make money rather than save lives. Pennsylvania lawmakers were among the first anywhere to approve restrictions on abortion. The state’s 1980s-era abortion laws required women to wait at least 24 hours for an abortion and to receive information from a doctor about abortion risks and alternatives. Now, Dr. Gosnell’s clinic, e routinely performed illegal, third-trimester abortions and cut the spinal cords of hundreds of infants born alive.  This clinic  had not been inspected since 1993.

Was it right for Pennsylvania’s  Health Department to stop inspecting abortion clinics in the 1990s in order to “avoid putting up a barrier to women seeking abortions?”

“”I don’t doubt that extremist politicians and activists will try to deny that Dr. Gosnell is tied to Planned Parenthood, but when the good people of our country see what happened,  the Goldy America I know will turn against you”

“Look for a game-changer at every bend.”

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