BREAKING NEWS: Senate May End Filibuster Rule.

Its About Time We Became a Democracy

Few Americans understand that our system of balances was NOT intended to be a two party system.  The small coterie of founding fathers, like  th Bolsheviks or the Jacobins, were revolutionaries .. and elite who did not envision a system built around organized parties … the kind of parliamentary system that rules most democracies.

One consequence of this is the filibuster system  where a minority party can block cabinet appointments or judgeships for partisan reasons.  The Repricans have used that system to undermine the unwritten rules of our concress to the point where our system is now broken.

Hopefully, Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is finally prepared to change Senate filibuster rules so that  only a simple majority would be required for all executive and judicial nominees other than those to the Supreme Court. Reid is meeting Thursday afternoon

This too will create problems in the future when, inevitably the Senate come into the hands of one or the other extreme group.   What happens if the Senate is Tea Party and blocks all appointments by President Clinton?

0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Bob Raymond #

    Damned shame you can’t spell filibuster correctly. Or were you trying to be cute?

  2. theaveeditor #

    Your comment is merited.

    I still want to know who you are!