Obamacare and the Scams

Jeff Lyles on a list \serv I read has a great comment:
The whole idea of the Affordable Care act was to have affordable care. That way you could get Cadillac plans and pay Kia dollars for them.
The fact that people want to keep their old plans has nothing to do with that they want substandard health care, but rather, that is all they can’t afford to pay for insurance. So, it is time for Obama to step up to the plate and say you can keep the same premiums, but your health insurance plan will now offer the improvements that the Affordable Care Act has in it.
If we can subsidize the richest corporations on earth, like Exxon Mobil, then why can’t we subsidize something that will help the general population and not let them be gouge the way that Exxon Mobil gouges us?  ……….. Jeff

Jeff makes one mistake here.  Obamacare is NOT a “Cadillac plan.”  It is not even a  Chevy plan.  All that it is, is an effort to rationalize our existing system so that we eliminate the fraudulent plans and then let the companies COMPETE in a open and free market regulated only to be sure the plans are not fraudulent

I heard a great example of the plans being rejected.  A forty-ish guy, with a family, has been paying for a plan with a $15k deductible.  He was also paying about $15K a year!  That is not insurance, it is a scheme to take money from folks like him.>

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