Food LabelsA commentary by God

Over at HorsesAss the Prophet Goldstein has has chosen a bit of Leviticus to support his employer’s opposition to the Washington State Initiative 522 requiring labelling of foods that are engineered by man rather than by Me.  It is ironic that David Goldstein , who otherwise would ridicule the use of the Hechster to mark Kosher food would now want to add a liberal version of the Hechster to tell observant liberals what they can eat.

I am amazed how liberals and humans evoke My name! Ken Cuccinelli cites My word to support his state inserting probes into women’s vaginas, Saudi Arabia’s Imans seem to think I have written against women driving cars, now Goldstein thinks I want to ban Monsanto’s corn?

Actually, if you read that I MUST be for Monsanto. After all what they want is for farmers to plant a single seed … the one they built!

It is odd that this time it is the liberal community that says it is following MY word and using it to oppose genetic modifications of plants and animals!

I wonder which side is going to invoke me against the use of genetically modified vaccines?

I Am That I Am bit >>I<< do not enforce My word. Humans have created courts to do that .. just as Goldstein’s ancestors codified MY words in their Levitcus, the Muslims have their Sharia and the Christians have Church Law.

If Goldstein is evoking this passage as MY word on Monsanto, he could bring the matter to the local mashgiach to get his opinion. Now THAT would be funny.

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