Tea Party

Repricans Crossing the Potomac small Rep Morgan Griffith, Republican of Virginia, reports “We have to make a decision that’s right long-term for the United States, and what may be distasteful, unpleasant and not appropriate in the short run may be something that has to be done,”  “I will remind you that this group of renegades that decided that they wanted to break from the crown in 1776 did great damage to the economy of the colonies. They created the greatest nation and the best form of government, but they did damage to the economy in the short run.”

Sean Hannity, Propagandist for the Party said, “I do think leadership in the House needs to change don’t think John Boehner is equipped for the job. I don’t think he has the stomach to negotiate. I don’t think he has the ability to communicate the positive, solution-oriented vision for the country. ..  “Why aren’t these guys out there explaining what their vision is?”

Rolling Stone Reports that Ted Yahoo, l of Florida said “Rosa Parks, Lech Walesa [and] Martin Luther King.” Claims  tanning-salon tax is bigoted against white people: “It’s a racist tax.” Says  Bill of Rights ensures civilian access to military weaponry: “When you read the  Second Amendment. . . the militia had the same equipment as the military to  protect them against the tyrannical government.”

Louie Gohmert, Republican of Texas warns that jihadists are sending pregnant women to the U.S. to have “terror  babies” who will grow up American citizens. Opposes gay marriage because once  “you say it’s not a man and a woman anymore. . . why not, you know, somebody who  has a love for an animal?” Believes the Obama administration ousted Qadaffi so  “Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.”

Steve Stockman of the Texas Rep ublican Party Believes “the best thing about the Earth is if you poke holes in it, oil and gas  come out.” Said president’s post-Sandy Hook gun-control push “reminds me of  Saddam Hussein.” Invited rodeo clown who dressed in a racist Obama outfit this  summer to be an honored performer in Texas.

Paul Broun of Georgia insists the Earth is 9,000 years old; says “all that stuff I was taught  about evolution, embryology, Big Bang theory. . . is lies straight from the pit  of hell.” On House floor, referred to Civil War as the “Great War of Yankee  Aggression.” Seeking to join Senate in 2014.

Kerry Bentivolio Republican Congressman from Michigan talks of tasking staffers to investigate “chemtrail” conspiracy theory that  aircraft are seeding the skies with government mind-controlling chemicals. Says  writing a bill to impeach Obama “would be a dream come true.”

John Fleming Republican of Louisiana “I don’t think we should run government based on  economists’ predictions.”

Joe Wurzelbacher, Joe The Plumber: ‘Wanting A White Republican President Doesn’t Make You Racist,’ It ‘Makes You American’

Obama: End Shutdown So We Can Pass Amnesty



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