Applesauce: New phones????

Aple’s stock price fell 5%with the announcement that there was nothing much new to the newest iPhone.  CNET ocmes to the rescue of disappointed fan boys:

How to make your iPhone 5 more like an iPhone 5S

How to make your iPhone 5 more like an iPhone 5S

Even those of us disappointed with the iPhone 5S can’t help but feel those familiar stirrings of it’s-a-new-iPhone-I-want-it desire. Credit Apple’s shrewd marketing department for putting a fresh coat of paint on what is basically just last year’s iPhone.

But the reality is that unless you’re nearing the end of a contract and looking to upgrade anyway, there are few compelling reasons to make the move to a 5S. Indeed, with a few tweaks, you can upgrade (well, OK, “upgrade”) your iPhone 5 with nearly all the accoutrements of its newer Sibling. (Capital “S” intentional. See what I did there?)

Here’s everything you need to do to make your iPhone 5 more like an iPhone 5S:

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