Liberal Pilot and Tea Party Scion Join Forces to Protect Airports

Darryl and plane

β Award

Over at HorsesAss, Darryl Holman reports that Reagan Dunn, Tea Party progeny, named for the MAN, and a failed candidate for Washington’s Attorney Gewneral has come to the defense of government subsidies to private aviation:   The scion of Republican ideology and present memebr of the King County Council, writes to the feds: 

“This airport is critically important to King County and the region,” said Dunn. “Congress must act and guarantee that the Renton Municipal Airport and others like it have the needed funding to operate fully and continue contributing to the local economy.”

The irony is that Darryl is a private pilot. to Darryl’s defenece he is not so much supporting Reagan’s hypocrisy as he is pointing it out.

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