Why Doesn’t Seattle’s Comcast Carry Al Jazeera?

Look at this list .. places where Al Jazeera is on cable.  Why not here?

Could this get done by an initiative?  We DO own the rights ….

Buckeye Cable (Toledo, OH)
Burlington Cable (Burlington, VT)
GlobeCast World TV
Link TV (Direct TV, Channel – 375/Dish Network, Channel – 9410)
Washington Cable (Washington, DC)
MHz Networks (Washington, DC)

Full Channel (Channel – 168)

Time Warner Cable (New York City Area, Channel – 92)
Free Speech TV

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  1. CH Johns #

    My Comcast carries Al Jazeera & I live near Northgate. It replaced Current TV (Channel 125) since Al Jazeera America bought it from Al Gore It seems they have just not updated the listing.