Is Peace Possible?

Netanyahu’s decision to build in the E1 district east of Jerusalem has created new obstacles, perhaps the worst of which is outrage in Europe.

Israel claims that the new buildings are within  areas that both sides expect Israel to annex through territorial swaps in an eventual settlement.  A study by the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace, this will enable 80 percent of Israeli settlers to be incorporated into Israel as part of a future peace deal through agreed upon land swaps approximating 4% of the West Bank – or less than the 5% proposed by US President Bill Clinton 12 years ago.

Perhaps this is true, but there is also a consensus that no peace is possible without East Jerusalem becoming the capital of Palestine.  The  E1 building plans, from Israel’s point of view, prevent  Ma’ale Adumim, a part of the ring of settlements that comprise Israeli Jerusalem  from being isolated. The Palestinians, rightfully claim,  claim that the Israeli ring would cut off their would-be capital in East Jerusalem from the West Bank.Depressing.

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