Mitt and Ann Romney March in Fremont’s Solstice Parade!

As promised ….

Mitt and Ann Romney … or at least the mini-me versions, appeared in this year’s Fremont Solstice Parade!

Aside from the rather rude comment by one of our co-celebrants, the mini me Romneys were very well received and will soon appear with other celebrants in my essay on the parade!

Actually, I wonder what would happen if … say McKenna showed up?  Nobody I saw seemed especially hate filled, even toward Republicans.

On the other hand, I didn’t see any of the Dems there either.

I wonder why not?  There were VOTERS there!

Don’t the politicians care about the peple who support them?

Obviously Jay Inslee or Jim McDermitt would not necessarily have had to bike in the all together.  Even Mini me Mitt and Ann kept their clothes on!  On the other hand, imagine all the free publicity …….

…NOW that is an image … Suzan DelBene, Laura Rudderman, and … of course Darcy Burner … riding in the nude biker parade!

This is what I imagine such a bike treo might have looked like:


To see more of the Solstice Parade, with mini me Mitt, CLICKME.


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  1. Happy Solstice Day /  The Ave 17 06 12