Huff Post — If you thought evangelical preaching needed longer hair, tattoos, nu-metal drumming, and a ton of hate speech directed at gays, then Bradlee Dean is your guy.

He’s very much Rep. Michele Bachmann’s guy. Bachmann, whose district covers Dean’s suburban Minnesota headquarters, didn’t just endorse Dean, but has prayed for him and his ministry, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, in a clip highlighted recently by City Pages.

“Would you keep them from evil?” Bachmann prays. “Would you keep them from pain?” Finally she begs the All Mighty to “pour a triple blessing on this ministry” and expand it ten fold.

Bachmann may come to regret her superfandom for Dean. One news outlet has already suggested that Dean might be her Jeremiah Wright. It’s easy to make such a comparison. Dean has amassed quite a video log on YouTube of ultra right wing conspiracy theories about New World Orders and made bigoted remarks directed at the LGBT community, Muslims and President Barack Obama. In Dean’s world Hitler was gay and Obama is, of course, equal to Osama bin Laden.

Dean refused to comment about his association with Bachmann. A representative told The Huffington Post: “We’re not tying ourselves with her… He’s not interested in doing an interview.”

The Bachmann campaign also had no comment.

But unlike Obama’s connection with Rev. Wright, Bachmannn has raised cash for Dean, appeared on his TV show, and, well, prayed for God to significantly increase the number of schools Dean gets to visit.


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