UPDATE: BREAKING NEWS: This is what government shutdown looks like from here .

Ed.  The House has passed something, apparently a mess. “Rep. Jim Jordan, who leads the conservative Republican Study Committee, told The Huffington Post that he does not think Boehner, a fellow Ohioan, will be able to pass the funding deal through the House without votes from Democrats.”

Ed.  Leave ALL else aside.  Even if the Republicans atop playhing chicken sometime in the next 6 hours, how much will there antics have cost us all? I just got this email form the Seattle VA.  Multiply this by thousands of similar emails and then multiply that by costs of attempting to manage this mess.

Here is my guess ….. 10,000 such management steps, lets say each ocsts a $1000 .. in time spent arranging for the emergency and time spent undoing whatever chaos will happen.  … Gee, that is only $10,000,000.

Forwarded to all R&D on behalf of Kent McLean

Please forward where necessary


All R&D Personnel:


As of COB today, Friday April 8, purchasing in VA R&D is restricted to emergency items only.  While VACO has identified a funding source to continue paying VA R&D staff temporarily and avoid a furlough, the current R&D appropriation ends today and we will not be provided normal operating funding.    Purchase order requests for supplies, equipment or contractual services that are not emergencies (e.g. that protect life and property) will be held until Congress passes a VA R&D appropriation or another continuing resolution.

Kent M. McLean, MBA, PhD

Deputy Administrative Officer



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