Everyone Out for Olympia Demo, 3/17/11

Demonstrators at Olympia, WA State Capitol

Demonstrators at Olympia State Capitol on 2/26/11

Forwarded from F– USE-WA:

We’re fed up with an economy that showers bonuses on corporate executives while crushing the dreams of working families. And so are the thousands of people across the country who have come together to fight for our future.

On Thursday, we’re taking this message straight to the doors of the capitol in Olympia with a huge Rally to Protect Our Future. Legislators need to hear from thousands of us that it’s time to close unjust tax loopholes and make Wall Street banks, corporate special interests, and the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share.

We want you, your family, your friends, and your neighbors to join us on Thursday to make sure every legislator hears our call to protect our rights and our communities. Will you stand with us on Thursday? Click below for more information and to sign up:

Sign up here

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