Bill Gates on Research In Education

We  spend more money by every measure than any other system. Any way you look at it we spend by far the most money. So that is a dilemma. What are we going to do to get more out of the investments we make? Are there practices in terms of helping teachers be better that we can fit into our system? What can you do to help the teachers be better? You know, a quarter of our teachers are very good. If you could make all the teachers as good as the top quarter, the U.S. would soar to the top of that comparison. So can you find the way to capture what the really good teachers are doing? It’s amazing to me that more has not been invested in looking at how does that good teacher calm that classroom? How does that good teacher keep the attention of all those kids? We need to measure what they do, and then have incentives for the other teachers to learn those things. see more in Newsweek

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  1. P Toifel #

    We get what we pay! Excellent teachers represent the tail of a Gaussian curve with individuals that have both the talents and follow their vocation for teaching; they’ll keep doing an excellent job even being under pay. The rest of the Gaussian envelope often covers a mixed collection that ended there not by choice but to have a job.
    Triple the salaries of teachers and, like in South Korea it’ll become harder to get into education than into medicine; and the results are obvious, outstanding output. No special programs, just good selection and good pay that attract the best talent!