Move-On Potluck, on THE-Ave

Capitol Hill, near Aloha and 19th
14 Nov , 06:00 PM
My wife Barbara and I, along with the our new website, THE-Ave.US, are excited to host a potluck for MoveOn. Join us for food, a Move-On tele conference, and a chance to meet new friends. For our part we hope to introduce some of our friends and neighbors to Move-On and to our new website, THE-Ave.US. We feel strongly that NOW is the time to meet others who share the need to move on with restoring a rational, progressive government. We hope this potluck will bring together people interested in seeking common cause under different banners .. whether that is MoveOn, Drinking liberally, the AAUP, THE-Ave.US or just our own neighborhood. Come, bring food, ideas, and meet new people, The goals of the Ave are a lot like those of MoveOn. We founded The Ave because of a need for free speech at the UW. UW policies restrict free speech, as a result political activities among the faculty, staff and graduate students, a community with over 20,000 votes is, sadly, almost nonexistant.

Status: Public, open for RSVP, 0 Guests (Max 45)
Best way to contact host: Email
Event URL:

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  1. Julia Deak #

    Sorry I didn’t see this earlier – MoveOn persuaded me to host my own event! But I will try to encourage UW folks to go to yours. How do UW policies restrict free speech, btw?

    I saw they had a nice website set up before the election, which unfortunately did not seem to get much publicity: